Guest Information
Welcome to Galt
Golf Course Dress Code
Our dress code policy seeks to adapt to the changing fashions in the golf industry while continuing to maintain the high standards which benefit our Club and its members. Members and their guests are expected to conform to the dress code of the Club to ensure that the attire worn is respectful and appropriate for our environment. Members have a responsibility to inform their guests about the dress code requirements in advance.
Dress regulations apply equally to juniors and children of members and guests and may also be found in the member’s handbook. Questions regarding the Dress Code may be directed to the Golf Shop or Club Management.
Members and guests are required to change into golf attire in the Locker Rooms. All non golf related logos on clothing must be discrete and in good taste.
Acceptable Attire – Gentlemen:
Golf shirts with a collar or recognized golf shirt design, e.g. mock neck or turtle neck. Golf pant, dress slacks, plus fours, or shorts which are no shorter than mid thigh length.
Acceptable Attire – Ladies:
Appropriate golf shirt. Golf pant, dress slacks, Capri length pants. Golf shorts, golf skirts and golf dresses which are no shorter than mid thigh length.
Soft spike shoes or golf sandals.
Must face forward at all times.
Prohibited on the Golf Course:
Clothing which is frayed or torn. Blue Jeans, sportswear (jogging pants, gym shorts, sweat pants). Shirt tails, tube tops, low cut shirts, halter tops and crop tops. Metal Spikes, Flip Flops.
The golf course dress code will be enforced by Galt Country Club’s Golf Shop Staff and Management only. Members should inform the pro shop of infraction but refrain from approaching members or guests. The Golf Shop staff is authorized to refuse access to the course to any member or guest not meeting the dress code standards. The Golf Shop is stocked with suitable clothing and any inadvertent errors may be quickly and easily corrected.
Clubhouse Dress Code
Members and guests are expected to dress appropriately in all areas of the Clubhouse. The guideline for dress should, at a minimum, be smart casual. Golf course attire is acceptable throughout the clubhouse. Specific events may require/allow an alternate dress standard as appropriate for the event at the discretion of Management.
Prohibited from the Clubhouse:
Clothing which is frayed or torn. Sportswear (jogging pants, gym shorts, sweat pants). Hats and visors (on the second floor, excluding the Patio, excluding formal wear).
The dress code will be enforced by Galt Country Club’s Management and Staff only. Members should inform Management of infraction but refrain from approaching members or guests. Management and staff are authorized, at their discretion, to refuse service to any member or guest not meeting the dress code standards.
Curling Dress Code
Members and guests are expected to dress appropriately for the sport. Blue Jeans are prohibited from the curling rink.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is intended to establish clear expectations for acceptable behaviour at Galt Country Club which apply to members, guests and employees. It is not intended to restrict individual rights, but rather to ensure that all members, guests and employees can expect to be treated with respect while playing, working or attending Galt Country Club.
Only Members in good standing and guests are entitled to use the clubhouse, golf course, and curling facilities. The rights of any member to the privileges of the Club shall coexist with the period of his or her membership. The Club deems that all members have given their consent to be bound by the by-laws, policies and rules of the Club; both to the restrictions and the penalties imposed.
The Board of Directors shall set policy and the Management of the Club shall deal with all matters pertaining to the conduct of the members, their guests and Club employees.
All persons shall:
• Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike behaviour at all times
• Respect the rights of other golf and curling members
• Adhere to all Galt Country Club by-laws, policies and rules including, but not limited to; the Dress Codes, Course Etiquette, Cell Phone Policy, Alcohol Policy, Smoking Policy etc.,
• Obey the laws of the land.
All persons shall not:
• Attempt to reprimand other members or staff
• Physically or verbally abuse or harass (including sexual harassment[1]) any member, guest or staff
Breach of Code of Conduct: Management and staff are authorized, to take steps necessary, (including temporary resolutions), to ensure club policies/rules are observed and to contact police in the event of criminal conduct. Any member, guest or employee involved in or who observes breaches of the Code of Conduct, shall inform the General Manager or Head Professional or Management Staff of such a breach. Once notified the General Manager may contact staff, members(s), guest(s) or witnesses involved to review the incident. The General Manager will report his or her findings and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for any offences that require informal or formal disciplinary action, up to and including suspension of privileges, the further involvement of legal authorities and or expulsion from the club as detailed in the By-Laws.
[1] Sexual Harassment – includes any conduct, comment, gesture or contact of a sexual nature that is likely to cause offence, humiliation or that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Although the offender may not perceive their comment or actions to be discriminatory or unwelcome because the defender did not communicate their discomfort, does not excuse the behaviour.
Notice to Members & Guests:
Members and guests are responsible for their actions at all times including their actions while playing golf and while using sports equipment. Members and guests are responsible for any damages caused to Galt Country Club property or that of others.All club rules must be strictly adhered to for the benefit and safety of all.It is the responsibility of all members and guests to read and be familiar with the Galt Country Club Code of Conduct. It is posted outside of the pro shop at the clubhouse.Please be particularly aware of holes that may back on to neighbouring properties and obey all on course signage.
Alcohol & Cannabis Policy
The service of alcoholic beverages to members and guests can lead to a variety of problematic situations which could result in serious liability to the Club, its directors and staff. According to the courts, the responsibility to those injured or killed, or whose property is damaged, as a result of impaired driving extends beyond the drivers to the commercial hosts who served the drivers and then, knowingly or carelessly, did not prevent them from driving.
With this in mind, and in the best interest of the Club, its members, directors and staff, this alcohol serving policy is in effect. Members are requested to abide by it and to cooperate with management and staff in the enforcement of this policy.
Members and guests are encouraged to use and enjoy the Club’s facilities as long as they abide by the laws of the Province of Ontario, and the rules and regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission as well as our own private club regulations which govern the service of alcoholic beverages and cannabis.
1. Guests must be accompanied by a member who is responsible for their conduct.
2. All alcoholic beverages sold upon our licensed premises must be consumed on Club premises. No alcoholic beverages or cannabis, other than those sold upon our licensed premises, shall be brought onto Club property.
Alcohol consumption on the Golf Course:
The Club has zero tolerance regarding members / guests bringing their own alcohol beverages onto club property. The Club reserves the right to inspect all bags being taken on the course.
If a member/guest is observed by any Club employee with their own alcohol or cannabis the manager on duty is to be informed immediately. The manager will speak to the offending party, inform them of the Law and confiscate the alcohol or cannabis. If they refuse to hand over their alcohol or cannabis they will be asked to leave the course /clubhouse. If they refuse to leave, the police will be called.
The manager will document such incidents and submit a copy of the report to the Board of Directors.
Lightning Warning System
The Club has a lightning detection device to help us determine when it is dangerous to be on the golf course. Lightning is a severe hazard that must be viewed seriously. Players must immediately stop play and seek shelter any time they believe lightning threatens them, even if a signal has not been sounded.
Lightning signals:
The signal for suspension of play will be one prolonged blast of the horn.
The main detection unit is on the Clubhouse roof, with a second horn located by the Greens Maintenance Building. All players must immediately leave the golf course and return to the Clubhouse.
The system will automatically signal resumption of play by providing three consecutive horn blasts when it is safe to return.
Getting caught in a lightning storm:
If caught in the middle of a lightning storm, members and guests may seek shelter at any of the following lightning rod protected areas; Times Square Gazebo, Gazebo being #18, rain shelter #12, washroom #15. Please do not go to the Greens Maintenance Building.
Additional Safety Recommendations: Keep a safe distance from tall objects, such as trees, hilltops, and telephone poles. Avoid projecting above the surrounding landscape. Seek shelter in low lying areas such as valleys, ditches and depressions.
Stay away from water. Lightning can strike the water and travel some distance from its point of contact.Stay away from objects that conduct electricity, such as tractors, golf carts, golf clubs, metal fences and lawnmowers.
Avoid being the highest point in an open area. Swinging a golf club or holding an umbrella can make you the tallest object and a target for lightning.In a forest, seek shelter in a low-lying area under a thick growth of small trees or bushes.
Keep alert for flash floods, sometimes caused by heavy rainfall, if seeking shelter in a ditch or low lying area.
If caught in a level field far from shelter and you feel your hair stand on end, lightning may be about to hit you. Kneel on the ground immediately, with feet together, place your hands on your knees and bend forward. Don’t lie flat.
If you are in a group in the open, spread out, keeping people several yards apart.
THOR GUARD predicts the probability of a lightning hazard in an area up to 25 square miles. More importantly, it also provides a specific reading of the risk in your immediate area. Here are some important facts about the Thor Guard system:
How does lightning “prediction” differ from lightning “detection?”
Lightning “detection” systems detect the electromagnetic signatures that are the by-product of actual lightning strikes. Lightning “prediction” senses and evaluates the shifts and changes in the electrostatic field that precede the occurrence of an actual lightning strike. This is the reason why our unique lightning prediction technology has always been able to provide warning before the first strike. According to a leading lightning detection manufacturer’s specification sheet, they need three strikes within 10 miles before they achieve peak operation.
Is there a minimum acceptable range for how close a lightning strike has occurred before shutting down operations?
This is not an issue when using a THOR GUARD system because we are predicting strike probabilities for your immediate area of concern and updating the data 50 times a second. For lightning detection systems, however, the choice of the correct range is critical. The most recent data from a 1998 study by Messrs. Holle & Lopez (Severe Storm Centre) would indicate that the minimum acceptable range from the last strike should be no less than 6-8 miles. This obviously would indicate that waiting for lightning to reach the previous standard of a 0-5 mile range, is dangerous. The new data also challenges the popular “Flash to Bang” theory because lightning can rarely be seen and/or thunder heard, as far away as 6-8 miles.
What is the difference between lightning “protection” and lightning “warning” devices?
If you should hear that the THOR GUARD product is not a “protection” device or system, that would be correct. We offer lightning “warning” systems, not “protection” systems. According to the “Lightning Protection Institute” a lightning “protection” device provides actual protection against a strike. In this category are surge suppressors, lightning rods, grounding systems, large buildings, etc. THOR GUARD WARNS PEOPLE BEFORE A STRIKE WILL HIT TO GO AND SEEK “PROTECTION”! Any company that represents that a lightning detector or horn warning system is lightning “protection” does not understand the facts.
Does your system shut down due to cloud to cloud discharges like detection systems or is it prone to giving false alerts (“False Positives”)?
No, our system does not shut down due to cloud to cloud discharges. Because we monitor the electrostatic atmosphere and compare all readings to a finite database, we seldom issue false warnings that result in our horns being activated. Do you think that all the professional golf tours and other clients would continue to utilize our products after-years of experience if we gave false-readings?
How much advance warning can I expect from a THOR GUARD lightning prediction to find appropriate shelter?
The THOR GUARD system has been designed to offer various sensitivity levels in order to satisfy a diverse range of client needs and geophysical locations. In a typical user-selected range (12 mile/2 miles) the system would provide 8 to 20 minutes advance warning. It is important to note that lightning does not need to be visible before a warning is given. Our unique “Field Collapse Counter” is the most accurate lightning detection method in existence today and will respond to subtle migrations of potentially dangerous energy.
What is the audibility range of one voice of THOR HORN warning remote?
The normal range of one “horn cluster” (six air-horns) is 700-800 yards, in a 360° pattern. Typography, tree density, air moisture content and ambient noise are all factors that will affect performance! For example: A normal 18-hole golf layout will need (1) Base Transmitter/Horn Cluster and (2) Remote Receiver/Horn Cluster locations.